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Ubiquitous environments present a series of specific challenges which must be faced in order to obtain the full potential that this kind of environments can provide to assist human beings in many scenarios. Especially, it can be challenging to appropriately manage the context changes. This feature directly affects the availability of the services deployed in the system, among other quality features, and implies additional development efforts from software developers. Service replication models and techniques may help to improve service availability and strengthen the system, e.g., against node disconnections. However, it is necessary to provide SOA with self-adaptive capabilities in order to be able to address a highly dynamic environment, creating and deploying service replicas at run-time and on demand. In this work, an analysis of the main elements involved in the dynamic deployment of service replicas is presented and how they can be combined to provide a self-adaptive software architecture to properly support the software development and dynamic service deployment in ubiquitous environments.
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