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In recent years, domain-independent planning has been applied to a rising number of real-world applications. Usually, the description language of choice is PDDL. However, PDDL is not suited to model all challenges imposed by real-world applications. Dornhege et al. proposed semantic attachments to allow the computation of Boolean fluents by external processes called modules during planning. To acquire state information from the planning system a module developer must perform manual requests through a callback interface which is both inefficient and error-prone. In this paper, we present the Object-oriented Planning Language OPL, which incorporates the structure and advantages of modern object-oriented programming languages. We demonstrate how a domain-specific module interface that allows to directly access the planner state using object member functions is automatically generated from an OPL planning task. The generated domain-specific interface allows for a safe and less error-prone implementation of modules. We show experimentally that this interface is more efficient than the PDDL-based module interface of TFD/M.
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