The treatment of patient with relapse of bleeding after application of minimally invasive treatment of hemorrhoidal disease such as elastic band ligation, cryosurgical treatment Hemorrhoidal Arterial Ligation (HAL) can be presented as serious clinical problem in patients with concomitant diseases that can be contraindication for radical surgical treatment. We compared the Simple Digital Method and standard above mentioned minimally invasive ambulatory treatment. We used special proctoscope with Doppler Flowmeter in order to identify all branches of hemorrhoidal artery in the anal canal creating graphical presentation using specially adapted software. HAL method is then used to perform ligation of hemorrhoidal artery branches. The elastic ligatures (called gummiligatures) are then applied to the piles in which most prominent flow was registered using Doppler Flowmeter. Antibiotic prophylaxis and sedation was administered preoperatively. Special computer program registered all steps. Hemorrhoidal ointments and paracetamol were used after surgical procedure. Average number of identified hemorrhoid arteries branches was six, and total duration of the procedure was in average 28 min. We compared patient treatment with our method and standard methods. In tested group we noticed significantly fewer complications (after eight days the number of complications 11% vs. 74%, p<0.001, after 15 days 3% vs. 11%: p=0.101). One year after procedure, the treatment was successful in 91.4%, or 32 out of 35 patients according to proctoscopy and Doppler Flowmeter exam. There were three patients with relapse of symptoms. In 77% of patients hat were treated with rubber bands ligation relapse occurred. Our method is significantly more successful in comparison to classical methods of ambulatory treatment and can be alternative to radical surgical treatment.