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In this paper, we present our work towards achieving context-awareness in mobile devices by combining Semantic Web technology with sensory data. Our investigation shows that some context data pertaining to the user, such as location, time, and physical surroundings, is vital for the realization of intelligent maps. Hence, embedding context-awareness into intelligent maps may prompt the usability of mobile map applications. Aiming at this goal, we suggest Semantic Web technology-based solution. We present a data representation, Entity Notation, to connect sensors to Resource Description Framework (RDF), the basis of Semantic Web data, in the data interchange level. At the same time, our data representation is lightweight enough that any resource-constrained sensors can support and process it. Ontology and ontology-based inference engine are developed to reason on the sensory data. Finally, intelligent maps could utilize its inference output to achieve context-awareness. We demonstrate our methods with a simulator and discuss the future work.
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