In June 1998, the International Research Society (IRSSD) held its second biannual scientific meeting in Burlington, Vermont on the shores of Lake Champlain. This book contains the Proceedings of that meeting in the form of short papers summarizing the papers and posters that were presented then. This year, the meeting returned to its original venue, in that the Society and these meetings are a direct result of a series of biannual meetings starting in 1980, when we met at Basin Harbor, Vermont. From 1980 to 1992 the meetings steadily evolved from a primary interest in three-dimensional and morphological aspects of spine and trunk asymmetry, towards improved understanding of mechanisms underlying the etiology, pathomechanism, and treatment of spinal deformity. The formation of the IRSSD in Pescara in 1994 reflected a desire to consolidate the momentum of these meetings, as well as to broaden the scope. The scope of the 1998 meeting, and of this book, includes work by researchers seeking answers to fundamental questions ranging from the causes of scoliosis, its mode of progression, to the conservative and surgical management of patients, especially children, with spinal deformities. Furthermore, several papers address emerging possibilities for more rational and predictable planning of treatment using deterministic models and knowledge bases.
These scientific proceedings provide the opportunity for readers to learn about the latest information in this field. Some areas of research have been further consolidated, while some new and exciting new areas are emerging. The meeting allowed us to discuss and speculate on the latest scientific ideas in a collegial, international atmosphere. There were 96 delegates from 22 countries. The meeting format intentionally encouraged in-depth communication, discussions, and debate of ‘hot’ issues. Colleagues in Montr´al organized pre-meeting workshops on Clinical Applications of 3-D Evaluation of Scoliosis. The IRSSD meeting included eight sessions for oral presentation of papers, two poster sessions, two invited keynote addresses, and three debates of controversial topics, all summarized in this book.
Ian Stokes
Burlington, August 1998