After the German reunification and the opening of the former Eastern block, Saxony-Anhalt as well as its capital city Magdeburg and its universities became part of the European Union and the global network of partners. Along with the changing challenges for scientific units, great opportunities have been opened towards the involvement in European projects, the inclusion in leading activities on standardisation as well as the establishment of partnerships with other organisations, institutions, associations, vendors and providers in Europe and beyond.
Such inclusion in projects, the involvement in standardisation and development, and the aspect of establishing partnerships are always matters of mutual interest and activities. The mutual nature of relationship has been met by many friends and friendly organisations. Supported by local and regional initiatives such as the implementation of the Technology Transfer Centre (TTZ) at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg as well as the engagement of the Ministry for Education and Arts in Saxony-Anhalt, the Magdeburg Medical Informatics Department took the opportunity of getting involved in the international scene for research and development in health informatics.
Resuming the work done and acknowledging the help of friends for enabling the success story, the Institute for Biometry and Medical Informatics (IBMI) at the Magdeburg Otto-von-Guericke University has now organised an international colloquium titled “International Collaboration to Provide Solutions for Advanced and Secure Interoperability of Health Information Systems”. As the main actors of this event, leading companions and influencing partners from many countries have been invited to present their contribution to this successful partnership, their achievements, and their visions for the future development in the health related domains like eHealth, health telematics or telemedicine. The majority of these invitations have been accepted, enabling the preparation of a more or less comprehensive view on that special part of the health informatics domain. This overview has now been transferred into a publishable form presented in this volume within the IOS Press series “Studies in Health Technology and Informatics”
Reflecting the colourful issues of our domain represented at the colloquium, the book intends to address researchers, developers and implementers in the field of health telematics and telemedicine solutions, users such as medical doctors, nurses and administrators but also decision makers and politicians at the central, regional and local level.
The editors would like to take this opportunity to thank all authors for their excellent contributions. Furthermore, they have to thank persons, organisations and companies such as HL7 Germany, the Centre for Applied Telemedicine / Federal State of Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania (“Centrum fur Angewandte Telemedizin in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.)”, the German Prorec Institute, the Medos AG, Hewlett-Packard, the Saxony-Anhalt Ministry for Education and Arts, the Medical Faculty's research commission, and last but not least, the CEO of the Magdeburg University Hospital, Mrs. Veronika Rätzel, for their inevitable support.
Magdeburg, February 2003
Bernd Blobel and Peter Pharow