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This book was initiated by a group of leading organisations, who have been involved in major trials in the field of Regional Health Care Networks (RHCNs). These organisations have reflected on their experience with implementing RHCNs, and have compiled their findings, with some clear recommendations to decision makers, in this book. The work gives an overview of the organisation of different health care systems across Europe to set the environment in which RHCNs have to be implemented. RHCNs are defined through their most prominent features and a common reference model is developed. The role that the EU has played in the promotion of RHCN is described and a comprehensive list of products and services currently available in Europe is drawn for most European countries. Market trends have been carefully analysed and current barriers to the full development of RHCN identified. It is essential reading for anyone who is involved in the management of health care at local, regional or national level as well as for health professionals, who represent tomorrows RHCN users.
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