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Coordinating agents in a multi-agent system is an interesting and important challenge. One of the most effective methods of coordinating multiple agents is using a “social law”, which restricts some possible behaviors in order to ensure every agent can achieve its goal. Recent work has connected social laws with automated planning, and shown how to verify if a given social law is robust, that is, ensures each agent can achieve its goal regardless of the plans chosen by the other agents. This prior work assumed the agents choose a plan offline, and never modify it in response to the other agents’ actions. In this paper, we address reactive agents, that is, agents that can reconsider their course of action during execution. This setting presents a new challenge, as agents now have the possibility of entering an infinite loop (a livelock) in which each agent replans in the same way in response to the other agents. We show how to verify if a given social law is robust in such a setting, and our main contribution is a compilation which eliminates the need to keep track of each agent’s current plan and constitutes a backbone of the verification algorithm.
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