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The VERTEX code is employed for multi-dimensional neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics simulations of core-collapse supernova explosions from first principles. The code is considered state-of-the-art in supernova research and it has been used for modeling for more than a decade, resulting in numerous scientific publications. The computational performance of the code, which is currently deployed on several high-performance computing (HPC) systems up to the Tier-0 class (e.g. in the framework of the European PRACE initiative and the German GAUSS program), however, has so far not been extensively documented. This paper presents a high-level overview of the relevant algorithms and parallelization strategies and outlines the technical challenges and achievements encountered along the evolution of the code from the gigaflops scale with the first, serial simulations in 2000, up to almost petaflops capabilities, as demonstrated lately on the SuperMUC system of the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ). In particular, we shall document the parallel scalability and computational efficiency of VERTEX at the large scale and on the major, contemporary HPC platforms. We will outline upcoming scientific requirements and discuss the resulting challenges for the future development and operation of the code.
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