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This paper aims to examine how the role of the architect has changed as we shifted to the process of design that Kostas Terzidis calls “Algorithmic Architecture” [1]. The relationships between subjects and objects have changed and thanks to Computer-Assisted Conception and Fabrication (CFAO) systems we are able to manufacture different shapes of each object in the same series. In order to address the problem of global ecological crisis we should investigate how we can create hybrid environments which have characteristics of biological behavior, computational power, behavioral responsiveness, spatial articulation and communication capabilities. I aim to show the potential of the creation of systems that enhance self-organization processes. I encourage the adoption of an approach of responsive architecture based on the combination of material inherent behavior and computational morphogenesis. In order to combine the algorithmic approach to design with the urban planning there is a tendency to map emergent network spaces in real time and to promote urban transformation through the re-coding of urban gaps. In this way the “urban algorithm” is able to operate locally by exploiting constraints and by turning constraints into generative opportunities.
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