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The National Surgical Quality Improvement Project (NSQIP) is widely recognized as “the best in the nation” surgical quality improvement resource in the United States. In particular, it rigorously defines postoperative morbidity outcomes, including surgical adverse events occurring within 30 days of surgery. Due to its manual yet expensive construction process, the NSQIP registry is of exceptionally high quality, but its high cost remains a significant bottleneck to NSQIP's wider dissemination. In this work, we propose an automated surgical adverse events detection tool, aimed at accelerating the process of extracting postoperative outcomes from medical charts. As a prototype system, we combined local EHR data with the NSQIP gold standard outcomes and developed machine learned models to retrospectively detect Surgical Site Infections (SSI), a particular family of adverse events that NSQIP extracts. The built models have high specificity (from 0.788 to 0.988) as well as very high negative predictive values (>0.98), reliably eliminating the vast majority of patients without SSI, thereby significantly reducing the NSQIP extractors' burden.
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