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This paper describes the Integrated Remote Neurosurgical System (IRNS), a remotely-operated neurosurgical microscope with high-speed communications and a surgeon-accessible user interface. The IRNS will allow high quality bidirectional mentoring in the neurosurgical suite. The research goals of this effort are twofold: to develop a clinical system allowing a remote neurosurgeon to lend expertise to the ORbased neurosurgical team and to provide an integrated training environment. The IRNS incorporates a generic microscope/transport model, Called SuMIT (Surgical Manipulator Interface Translator). Our system is currently under test using the Zeiss MKM surgical transport. A SuMIT interface is also being constructed for the Robotics Research 1607. The IRNS Remote Planning and Navigation Workstation incorporates surgical planning capabilities, real-time, 30 fps video from the microscope and overhead video camera. The remote workstation includes a force reflecting handcontroller which gives the remote surgeon an intuitive way to position the microscope head. Bidirectional audio, video whiteboarding, and image archiving are also supported by the remote workstation. A simulation mode permits pre-surgical simulation, post-surgical critique, and training for surgeons without access to an actual microscope transport system. The components of the IRNS are integrated using ATM switching to provide low latency data transfer. The research, along with the more sophisticated systems that will follow, will serve as a foundation and test-bed for extending the surgeon’s skills without regard to time zone or geographic boundaries.
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